Nothin much realy to tell...
Current Residence: classified
deviantWEAR sizing preference: who knows
Print preference: dunno
Favourite style of art: Dark and creepy, to whispy and whimsical and anything in-between
Favourite cartoon character: Nightwing, Red Arrow, Wolverine, Alucard, Hawkeye...
Personal Quote: "Rarglebargle"
Just wanted to say thanks for the watch! Glad to see people enjoying some ofmy art! <3
Of course ^^
I'll admit, I'd intended to watch when I first started looking at your buddies, I just forgot
Wow, I saw the new group you've made, how exciting!
I hope a community develops in the near future.
maybe, but we shall see, really
I'm hoping for something a little laid-back, but I'm nowhere near ready to open it, I still have to go through and do some stuff in google docs and come up with some art, in addition to getting dynabot ready on discord
I mostly did this as a way to make it easier to come up with some fan trolls