Jynna the IsoXelku9 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/xelku9/art/Jynna-the-Iso-208343158Xelku9

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Xelku9's avatar

Jynna the Iso



ynna is an Iso that came into existence around the creation of the internet. She was part of a whole clan of Iso's that lived in harmony with basic programs. But then her entire clan were being derezzed by red programs who saw Iso's as an imperfection. She managed to escape, and she now travels from city to city on the world wide web making digital trees and programs that resemble animals. The lights on her disc can form blades, and her light sword can form into a spear.
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1752x2485px 1.9 MB
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CJRstudios's avatar
Very, VERY nice.