Xelku9 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xelku9/art/Dual-Phase-Lightsaber-Concept-655272504Xelku9

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Xelku9's avatar

Dual Phase Lightsaber Concept



Just messing around on my computer, and ended up learning something about a Dual Phase Lightsaber.  Saw one picture with it having two different lights, and then this idea came to me.
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2000x2000px 485.49 KB
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Robot58-Mech's avatar

Now that would be perfect for a Force Sensitive Grievous :).

A normal Grievous would lose that to Darth Sidious let alone Darth Vader, and even Darth Tyrannus would disapprove of it, since he also disapproved of Darth Maul's double headed lightsaber in Legends.

Darth Maul would like something like that too.