Sailor Fuku Collar PatternXelhestiel on DeviantArt

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Xelhestiel's avatar

Sailor Fuku Collar Pattern

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If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
This image is downloadable to print out to scale (if you have the paper to do it). If you do print it, I hope it comes out okay! If not, just draw it freehand with the measurements I provided for you. I hope the measurements make sense for you - I did my best >.<

If you made a collar with my template, please share! I would love to see your outcome!

Here is the tutorial for the collar

Image size
963x1856px 207.61 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Xelhestiel
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Freckles-Draws's avatar
Is this supposed to be in cm's? I've been trying to draw it out but it doesn't seem to work in cm's :s or else Im getting it wrong but it feels too small as I'm drawing it
also is 20,5 the complete length or just half the length?