Xelandra on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xelandra/art/Dark-Symphony-Sona-404344147Xelandra

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Dark Symphony Sona



Edit: Zoom in Please! :D

Yay! Just in time for October!.....thank jeebus.
This took so long because I was working on it on and off, so I don't know how long this exactly took. I'd say 12+ hours because most of the time I was screwing around, trying to side step this giant war that is this painting.

BUT alas...it is done.

The background texture is something I actually found here on DA. www.deviantart.com/art/Seamles…
You can barely see it...

Dark Symphony Sona was originally designed by the very talented, Natane Eklund.
Here you can see her DA page! :iconnataneeklund:

Thank you Natane for being so kind as to let me create a splash art for your lovely design. :heart:

I really hope I did her justice!

Sona & League of Legends (c) Riot Games

EDIT: fixed up her skin and made a .png
Image size
4000x2250px 7.33 MB
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