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xeena-dragonkizz's avatar

I Choose You



This is a birthday gift for my sweet friend :iconsilentplea:
Thank you for sharing, your kindness, encouragement, perceptions, wisdom and warm heart. I appreciate not only your friendship but also your wonderful humor and always great support as well!! YAY..cancers ROCK!!!!
A Very Happy Birthday Shelley, dear :love::hug: 07-22


This is 90% digital painting and and some stock objects used, mostly for reference..
OHH boy, this one really took me forever to finish :faint: The model is painted totally from scratch, only reference used for the arms/hands position..rest is in my own head LOL

Don't ask me what the hair thingie is lol, but I had so much fun painting it..also I tried to paint some drops ugh,,hard, but the room is hot and she wakes up beeing very warm,,and I wanted to have a try, to paint some moist on her!!
(she's very warm lol, or perhaps she took a refreshing shower, who knows!!) :giggle:

Perfect? Of course not, never, but I had fun, and learn alot with every new piece I paint!!

:iconlockstock: For the arms
:iconphatpuppy: part of bg
:iconbluesse: Window decoration
:iconfantasystock: Budgie
:iconporchstock: Candle holder
:iconrandomresources: Wallpaper texture

The key and silver cross my own resources...

Although this piece might be more romantic and probably more suitable for a man ^^ I think a womans heart can fully absorb the mood in this one..I know you do, Shelley!! :hug:

Music inspiration [link]
I choose You/ Ryan Leslie

"Even in that most important area of her life, love, she had failed to commit herself. After her first romantic dissapointment, she had never again given herself entirely. She feared pain, loss, and separation. These things were inevitable on the path to love, and the only way of avoiding them was by deciding not to take that path at all. In order not to suffer, you had to renounce love. It was like putting out your own eyes in order not to see the bad things in life.
´Life is so complicated´
You had to take risks, follow some paths and abandon others. She remembered Wicca telling her about people who followed certain paths only to prove that they weren't the right ones, but that wasn't as bad as choosing a path and then spending the rest of your life wondering if you'd made the right choice. No one could make a choice without feeling afraid. That was the law of life. That was the dark night, even if they never made a decision, even if they lacked the courage to change anything, because that in itself was a decision, a change, except without the benefit of the treasures hidden in the dark night"

Paulo Coelho/Brida

I'm totally inspired by reading Coelho atm..moving tales of love, passion, wisdom, spiritually seeking answers on the paths of life, I want to read them all..I'v already read this book twice, and I never do that with other books OMG

Thank you for looking :heart:
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3613x5577px 3.36 MB
© 2010 - 2025 xeena-dragonkizz
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visionart's avatar
Excellent Artwork:rose: