xcgirl08 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xcgirl08/art/A-Warm-Caring-Woman-312624342xcgirl08

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A Warm, Caring Woman



(This is also up on tumblr: [link])

Tarrlok and Noatak's mother: in that whole sad story, I feel like her part is often forgotten.

She has a husband who keeps the truth from her as old rage fills him, two sons who keep the truth from her as they growth farther and farther apart, spends the rest of her life believing that her firstborn died cold and alone and lost and frightened, never learns that her younger son loved her so much that he was willing to stay behind with a father who didn't want him and thought of him as a weakling, and eventually she loses her husband, too.

And they never even gave her a name.
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HarmonicSpirits's avatar
They did this with Desna and Eska's mom too. We never got a backstory for her let alone SEE her but she was mentioned by them at the end of Season 2...... I hope they explore some backstories in the Legend of Korra comics coming out. I'd like to see what her and Unalaq were like together as a couple and as mother/father raising twins.