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The fully matured form of Varian, now having gone through a metamorphosis. Despite his colorful appearance, he’s now a hunter finding his sustenance from the flesh and blood of other living creatures — including the humans he once cared so deeply about. Little memories or personality remain from his caterpillar days, but they’re not entirely gone: from a familiar melody to the scent of a loved one, there are still some things Varian recognizes, however instinctually.
While his days mostly consist of hunting, eating and sleeping, Varian loves spending time with his mate Fenelle. Sometimes the two of them can be seen soaring through the skies on sunny days — a dreaded sight to the people living nearby. But there are still some who loved them once and love them still, and Varian is able to extend this affection to them in a way that’s no mimicry of affection.