xCassiex24 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xcassiex24/art/Cloud-Brushes-Set-1-86994910xCassiex24

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Cloud Brushes Set 1



So these are the Cloud Brushes that i made =)
This is the first set, i will be coming out with more soon!
The brushes were made with Adobe Photoshop CS3.

All of the brushes are shown in the preview.

I use my twirl brushes for the background [link]

Please comment or fav :+fav: if you download.

Terms Of Use:
- If you use fav or comment.
- A link to the brush set in your description if you use on deviant or your website.

You may not:
- Claim these brushes as your own.
- Redistribute these brushes in any way, shape, or form.

Besides that have fun =)

I would love to see the art that you make with these brushes so feel free to send me a link of your art and you will get a fav :+fav:

Go to my gallery and check out more of my brushes![link]

I come out with new brushes almost everyday, so watch me if your a brush lover!

Enjoy! =)
© 2008 - 2024 xCassiex24
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