The Secret to Proper Paragraphing by OokamiKasumi, literature
The Secret to Proper Paragraphing
Once you know what your characters and doing and saying, how do you get all that down on Paper without ending up with a huge confusing mess? Putting the Story on Paper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everybody knows that when a new speaker speaks they get a new paragraph, right? In other words, you DON'T put two different people talking in the same paragraph. Okay, yeah, so anyone who has written any kind of fiction learns this pretty darned quick, (usually from their readers.)What nobody seems to get is that the same goes for a new character's ACTIONS. Seriously, when a new character ACTS they're supposed to get their own paragraph -- even if they don't...
You're welcome. I'll link you to anything I use for reference. I've been looking for different male stock to reference for drawing for a while. Makes it so much easier to figure out body structures.