Accidents Can Happenx0celestial on DeviantArt

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Accidents Can Happen



"Don't give up, it takes a while
I have seen this look before
And it's alright
You're not alone
If you don't love this anymore
I hear that you've slipped again
I'm here 'cause I know you'll need a friend

And you know that accidents can happen
And it's okay,
We all fall off the wagon sometimes
It's not your whole life
It's only one day
You haven't thrown everything away.

Take some time and learn to breathe
And remember what it means
To feel alive
And to believe
Something more than what you see
I know there's a price for this
But some things in life you must resist

And you know that accidents can happen
And it's okay,
We all fall off the wagon sometimes
It's not your whole life
It's only one day
You haven't thrown everything away.

I hear that you've slipped again
I'm here 'cause I know you'll need a friend

And you know that accidents can happen
And it's okay,
We all fall off the wagon sometimes
It's not your whole life
It's only one day
You haven't thrown everything away.

You know that accidents can happen
And it's okay,
We all fall off the wagon sometimes
It's not your whole life
It's only one day
You haven't thrown everything away.

So don't give up
It takes a while. "

~Sixx: A.M. , Accidents Can Happen

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted! I haven't had any inspiration lately. BTW, it's a really good song, you should listen to it. :)


Model: ~ishidagirl
Sky: ~WolfC-Stock
Water: =night-fate-stock
Water drops: ~anaRasha-stock
Ripples: ~midnightstouch
Image size
650x796px 316.95 KB
© 2011 - 2025 x0celestial
anonymous's avatar
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MeFlyingFree's avatar
This is awesome! So well written and love the picture!