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PPalace: Loki the Parasect



:iconpokepalace: :iconsalocariaplz:

[[EDIT2: Made her pants baggier as requested by *ZzTAKERUzZ :)]]:bulletorange::bulletorange:


:bulletorange: NAME: Salocaria Lythrum, prefers to go by 'Loki' even though it's a male name. Salocaria is pronounced [sah/lock/uh/REE/ah], so a typical nickname would be Ria, but only her brother is allowed to call her that.

:bulletorange: COMPANION NAME: Lara (which means 'protector'), a female parasect already joined to Loki (see History for bonding details)

:bulletorange: POKEMON: Parasect

:bulletorange: GENDER: Female

:bulletorange: AGE: 18

:bulletorange: JOB: Priestess in the making, she wishes to teach others to see the beauty of God's creation (nature) and how to use it in a way that would benefit not only oneself but others as well.

:bulletorange: KINGDOM: Seasons (Persephoneia)

:bulletorange: ABILITY: Effect Spore - Contact may paralyze, poison, or cause sleep.

:bulletorange: LEVEL: 5

:bulletorange: ATTACKS:
• Stun Spore - The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing powder. It may paralyze the target.
• Poison Powder - A cloud of poisonous dust is scattered on the foe. It may poison the target.
• Leech Life - A blood-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.

:bulletorange: LIKES:
• Her boyfriend Zeth <3 [link]
• Plants and flowers and all they have to offer
• Animals
• Her brother Declan
• The colour orange
• Carrots
• Medicinal herbs

:bulletorange: DISLIKES:
• Pessimism
• Meat

:bulletorange: PERSONALITY:
Loki has strong belief in Arceus. She is almost always smiling. Highly optimistic, she lives on the happy side of life despite having a sad past. She and her parasect Lara (who is in her head) are best friends. Lara is logical and honest, and often whispers advice to Loki. Loki always appreciates Lara's input and the two get along well. Aside from Lara, there is one other person that is special to Loki - Declan, her older brother. He is the only family she has left and she treats him with utter respect. These feelings are mutual, and the fact that Loki saved his life plays a big part in this. He means everything to her. Towards others, Loki is open and friendly most of the time, but if you pose to be a threat to her (physically), she will avoid you at all costs because she is merely a healer and knows that she is probably no match for you. Loki is particularly sensitive when it comes to seeing living things get hurt, even the smallest of things like ant-squishing. She's a bit of a tree-hugger.

:bulletorange: HISTORY:
Loki was born in Persephoneia and has lived with her older brother Declan in the same secluded and humble dwelling ever since. Her parents (now deceased) both lived faithful to the church, and chose prayer over medical practices. Loki respected their choices but did not allow her interest in herbal medicines to be influenced by them. From a young age, she took great interest in plants and their different uses. Although her parents did not fully approve of this, Loki was simply too consumed by her love for nature to care. Declan's undying support encouraged Loki to continue doing what her heart desired. At the same time, he made sure that Loki still lived a religious way of life, even if she preferred not to fully rely on prayer.

Loki was out in the forest collecting weeds one day when she happened upon a large and peculiar looking mushroom. She heaved her new discovery onto her wagon and immediately towed it home, eager to find out what the mushroom could do. When Loki arrived home and unloaded her wagon, the mushroom jumped and scuttled to a corner of the room. This mushroom was in actual fact a wild Parasect, and Loki had disturbed its sleep. Loki was startled at first, but then smiled in realising she had mistaken a pokemon for fungus. The parasect's bright white eyes stared back at her and after a while, decided that this human meant no harm. Loki opted to keep the parasect as a pet, and gave her the name Lara. As time went by, the two grew closer. Lara became Loki's assistant in a way, as Lara was able to help identify many plants. As well as that, Lara's mushroom canopy contained substances that could be used in Loki's research and remedy brewing.

A few years after Loki and Lara's meeting, the Lythrum family came down with a terrible disease - one that slowly weakens the body and causes starvation (ultimately leading to death if left untreated). Loki's parents believed it was the Arceus' doing, and that their suffering was meant to be. However, Loki knew that it was because they had accidentally cooked some of her new research specimens into their food. Loki was not affected as badly at first, because she always had a habit of chewing on medicinal herbs. This meant that she was able to continue researching in hope to find an antidote. Declan and their parents were becoming thinner and thinner each day. They could not move around and relied heavily on Loki and Lara to take care of them. Eventually, Loki's strength and coordination decreased to the point where she could barely walk without stumbling. However, she continued slaving away, desperate to find a cure.

At last, with Lara's help, she had concocted a remedy that she was sure would work. Unfortunately, since she had done so much experimenting, the remaining ingredients only sufficed one person. Loki decided she would give it to Declan, seeing as he was the only one that did not object to medical practices. She fed the medicine to Declan and Lara put him to sleep, she then left a note by his bedside explaining she had gone out to find more ingredients. Loki knelt by her parents' bed, praying for their health and told them that she found a cure. Momma, Poppa, you must trust me as well as Arceus. I can fix this, believe me. I am going now. Declan will be waking soon. Think happy thoughts. Loki and Lara then took out the towing wagon to stock up on ingredients, ignoring Mr. and Mrs. Lythrum who insisted they did not need medicine.

Loki grew so weak that partway along their journey Lara offered to tow her on the wagon. Collecting the herbs was an easy task, and this went on smoothly for a while until Loki lost all strength and tumbled off the wagon. At this point, the disease was coming to a dangerous stage. There was no way the little parasect would make it back home in time to save her best friend. In realising this, Lara neared the motionless Loki and a faint humming sounded. The two began to glow as their bodies interwined. Parasect blood began to flow through Loki's veins, serving as an antidote to the disease. Loki's face regained colour and with newfound strength, she picked herself off the ground. She and Lara were one. Loki could hear Lara's voice whispering in her mind - Loki, return to your parents, quick! Make haste!

By the time Loki returned home, Declan had teary eyes and was kneeling by their parents' bed. I'm sorry, Loki, we were too late...

:bulletorange: ADDITIONAL INFO:
• Loki is a vegetarian.
• Because Loki is not a fan of anything overly girly, she grows her bangs out to hide the fact that she has bright pink eyes. This also explains why she doesn't mind having a male nickname.
• Loki is always seen either holding a flower (in her hand or mouth, a different one almost every time) or chewing on some kind of herb.
• Now that Loki is joined with Lara, she is able to form medicinal spores with her bare hands. Loki only uses this to heal small things, such as cuts and bruises. It would take a lot of her energy to heal anything serious like a stab wound, and it would make her feel lightheaded.

:bulletorange: MORE LOKI:

:thumb184526892: :thumb186588610: :thumb194285985: :thumb197082338:

Art + Loki, Declan and Lara (c) :iconx-windust:
Zeth (c) :iconlust-4-art:
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817x1028px 1.32 MB
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KillerConfettiLick's avatar
I love that outfit so much!! <3~