Phantasmic effigy of lightx-VexxA on DeviantArt

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x-VexxA's avatar

Phantasmic effigy of light



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750x1462px 822.25 KB
© 2015 - 2025 x-VexxA
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WhIppIng-b0y's avatar
So elegant and classy, beautiful, and adorable. This creature has such proper poise whilst being menacingly barbaric at the same time. I'd luv to hug them (provided I can escape quickly enough) I'd luv to play as a creature that looked like this in a videogame (although considering all the passion and creativity that goes into games these days we'd be lucky to get a generic boss that looked this unique and we'd play as yet another smarmy 30-something dude to slay it)

such a beautiful design, I do hope you have more of it in your gallery.