
Killing Cupid

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x-innocence-x's avatar

Literature Text

Screw ruling the world with love--
I'd rather be surrounded by chaos and misery.
And when I'm Queen everyone will see
How much better life will be
When I have Cupid on his knees, begging, "Please!";
But this queen has no mercy.
Off with his head,
Love is dead!

It's sick and twisted but I don't care,
I can't bear to see love anywhere,
      (especially in your eyes)
So I'm killing Cupid, killing Cupid tonight.

Screw everyone and their heart-shaped candy,
Thinking everything is fine and dandy.
When flaming arrows rain down on them, they'll see
How much better life will be
When I am Queen and Cupid is drowning in his own misery.

You want to look me in the eyes and tell me you love me,
But you can't because love doesn't exist, not anymore,
And I'll laugh because it's all my fault...
Love is dead and it's all my fault.

It's sick and twisted but I don't care,
I can't bear to see love anywhere,
     (especially in your eyes)
So I'm killing Cupid, killing Cupid tonight.
   Killing Cupid, killing Cupid, killing Cupid...
Random thoughts bubbling in my head decided to make an escape onto some paper one day/night while at work. I figure it's another song for my never-existing album I will title "This Album Doesn't Exist". I think it's pretty suitable :lol:

I don't think I have to explain anything with this song.

Anyways, enjoy, or at least pretend to. I had to try hard to pull the words out on this one, and it's getting harder each time. I'm going to keep trying though, because I know I can do better.
© 2008 - 2024 x-innocence-x
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AskTheGreySkull's avatar
I like cupid dead!