Mechanized MicrocosmWyrdWolf on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

March 27, 2010
Now, I'm generally into "styles" such as this one from way back when, but Mechanized Microcosm by *WyrdWolf is just so well done! Crisp clean render, wirey and strange textures, and very interesting color scheme. Definitely changes my mind on a few things!
Featured by Platinus
Suggested by NatalieKelsey
WyrdWolf's avatar

Mechanized Microcosm



Apo 7x

A tiny mechanized universe. :D

OMG a DD! :w00t: Thank you `DragonWinter and ^Platinus!
:hug: I am really overwhelmed with the everyones response, Thank you all so much.


*edit: uploaded a larger file for prints.
Image size
5000x3750px 18.71 MB
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caclegal's avatar
Outstanding!!!  Such fabulous detail!!!!Clap Clap Clap