Welcome to Bug Camp! [Registration CLOSED!]

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Wyngro's avatar

Fievel: Oh, hello there! D-didn’t see ya there! Didja come ta see my flyer? *points to the Town Bulletin Board*

Fievel: C-CAREFUL! *jumps to stop you from taking another step, pointing out a little buddee making its way across the grass*  

Fievel:: S-sorry, but that’s actually kinda what my flyers all about, ya know? H-here, take a look!

Fievel: It’s gonna be a big, fun, Bug Camp!! Mostly for wynglings, to h-help show them bugs aren’t just icky little things, b-but actually cool, and cute, a-and amazing to learn about!!

Fievel:I actually don’t know many folks around here, so I hope a lot of wyngrew see my flyer! I-I’m going to need lots of adults to help out in supervising so many wynglings! Wynsiph seems to have grown a lot since I’ve been here last, which means there’s a lot more wyngrew I need to teach about the joys of b-b...bugs!

Fievel: It would really help me out if you could help spread the word! Th-thanks! *carefully kneels down to pick up the buddee, and safely places it in the security of a nearby bush*


Hello residents of Wynsiph! It seems Fievel, the bug expert has come to Wynsiph for the summer while the local bugs are at their peak activity! And not only that, but this year he wants to help educate the community with a fun little event he calls “bug camp”!

This event will have everyone dividing into teams! Each team will consist of a single wyngro adult, and three wynglings! No more, no less! Get together with your friends, and form your teams! Don’t rush though: these are the characters and artists you’ll be working with throughout the entire month-long event! Once the teams are formed, there’s no turning back!

Each week throughout the month of August, your team will have multiple buggy prompts to choose from! Completing each prompt will award the members of your Bug Camp Team a Bug Badge (lovingly crafted by Fievel)!

Bug Badges are like stickers and act as fun little achievements! (Except they belong to one specific Wyngro!)

Completing at least one prompt every week for the full month will get your team awesome prizes as well!

How it works - Forming your team:

-Pick one Wyngro!
Only one character per artist can enter this event! That means if you’re on one team with one wyngro, you cannot be on another team with another one of your characters! Pick one character, and that’s it! No more! So choose wisely!

-Find your friends and team up!
Talk with your friends and see who you want to collaborate with! Perhaps some of your wyngrew are friends? We’ll leave it up to you guys on how you pick your teams!

-One Adult Wyngro per team!
Each team needs one adult to chaperone their 3 wyngling bug-scouts! You and your friends can decide who will provide the adult and lead the team!
The artist with the adult Wyngro will be in charge of reminding teammates and leading the charge!

-Register your team!
Once you’ve officially decided who’s going to be on your team, the Team Leader (with the adult) will comment HERE with the following form:

Adult Chaperone:
Bug Scout #1:
Bug Scout #2:
Bug Scout #3:

Please add the artist’s name, wyngro’s name, and a link to a recent image of said wyngro in each line. It’ll look something like this:

Adult Chaperone: Pannzilla “Taichi” [link]
Bug Scout #1: Nestly “Giacomo” [link]
Bug Scout #2: tsand106 “Klaus” [link]
Bug Scout #3: knux33 “Jaques” [link]

Once your comment has been posted, your team is set and we’ll add it to our registration sheet!


-Complete at least one Prompt each week.
Each week throughout the event, you’ll be able to choose from a list of available prompts! The artwork you present must be fully complete in order to count! (no unfinished sketches or sloppy work! You have a full team to help you!)

-Only one member has to submit for the team each week.
Each team only has to upload one piece of artwork per week as a whole! (So between all four members of your team for Week 1 of Bug Camp, only one artist has to submit a completed drawing for it to count as a Passed week!)
You are all allowed to collab and help each other out for each submission, but you’ll have to decide who gets to upload it! (Only one artist can submit each image to the group and count wyns for it) So decide what’s fair, who did the majority of the work, or whatever.

-You are welcome to submit more than one entry per week.
Especially helpful if each team member wants to participate and submit something each week! It’s all up to you!

-No hurting the bugs! Fievel would cry ;w;
Don’t make the blessed bug son cry, plz. Or Pann will come and get you in your sleep.

Avoid drama -- teams are in your hands!
Don’t join if you don't have time to contribute, and be communicative to your peers! Have tact and general common sense! This event will be our first “free for all” collab type event, where we will have little to do with the organization. Teams and communication are up to your team, so work it out together! If your teammates end up being no good, you’ll have to carry the weight and avoid collabing with those artists again. But you’ll need to show good team work and obvious effort in order to win the top prizes!

Participation Prizes:

All teams that fully complete this event will be able to receive the following! (per member)

-2 Novas Nova by Wyngrew
-BUG FACTS! The joy of knowing you’ve learned some new buggy stuff this month!
-ONE of the following upgrades!

(Note: the won upgrade can be applied to ANY of your adult wyngrew! This is not limited just to the wyngro who participates in Bug Camp! Just be sure to apply the won upgrade before September 30th! After that, it’s nullified!)

Winning Team Prizes:
The best teams will be picked at the end of the event by staff to have the opportunity to pick one upgrade from a larger pool of upgrade rewards, including some very rare ones!
(Again, each member will get to pick ONE upgrade for ONE of their adult wyngrew)

-5 Novas Nova by Wyngrew

(Looks like there’s a brand new one here too! Perhaps a new YCH upgrade?? ;) )

All these upgrades are found on our website, so check them out there for more info!

Winning teams will be picked by the following factors:

Arrow left by Drawn-MarioEqual effort from all contributing teammates/artists.
Arrow left by Drawn-Mario Art technique and skill
Arrow left by Drawn-Mario Good use of the characters involved, providing entertaining images and story.
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioGeneral effort and creativity.

Simply put, do the best you can and your team might be picked to earn some rarer rewards!


But I don’t have any friends!! D’:
DO NOT DESPAIR FAIR YOUTH, for we, the wyngro mods, know very well about having no friends!
(Nes: lmao what?? xDD )
(Knux: I KNOW, OKAY) So we have created a channel in our Discord for all lost souls to come together, and find strength, unity, and FRIENDSHIP!
[Discord BUG CAMP channel here!]
Feel free to seek out team members here!

What if one of our members flakes out and doesn’t do any work?
Then you’ll have to pick up the slack for them! You’re in charge of deciding who will work well on your teams, and this event should help you know who and who not to team up with next time! But PLEASE, try to be considerate! Don’t join Bug Camp if you know your August will be too busy to commit time to drawing and collaborating. You will make your teammates very sad otherwise!
And likewise, uncooperative members will looked down upon when being considered for MotM or as a Helper position.

Do we HAVE to collab? Can we just take turns for each week?
Yes, it's up to you! As long as at least one teammate submits an entry each week, your group will get counted!
But please make sure each teammate is contributing. If we notice participation from one member is missing, it might go against your entries when we judge them at the end!So work as a team and decide how you want to collab together! (whether you all work on each image, or split them up amongst you!)

Registration is open until Saturday, August 5th!
So start building your teams and get registered ASAP! (Timer on the front page)
The first bug prompt will be released the following Sunday!

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PyeFaced's avatar
Just confirmation- all the upgrades listed above can only be applied to adults?