We may take out one day of the year to celebrate love, but Wyngrew use the entire month to flourish in the feeling! Let’s face it, February is a lame month. It’s still so cold, the holidays are over, and it’s back to work/school.
Wyngrew got tired of this fact as well, so it became very clear that February needed a pick-me-up. Thus, the celebrated month of love, nicknamed "Heartkindle", slowly came about! This is the time of year Wyngro couples take some time off from their busy lives to spend with their significant other. Planning romantic getaways and fun activities to do with each other. Meanwhile, young Wyngrew are growing up and discovering crushes and experiencing awkward conversations for the first time! (Yes, even those oblivious ones too!)
Wynglings (baby Wyngro) can also participate in Heartkindle by giving gifts to their family and friends and indulging in all the sweet treats floating around. Love comes in many forms!
Sometimes gifts are given out of admiration or support. Sometimes to get someone’s attention, and perhaps even to express deep feelings.
Does your Wyngro have an eye on another Wyngro? Whether for interest, true love, friendship or respect! This is the time of year when surprise gifts from secret admirers are everywhere! So how can you join the fun?
We have a handful of default drawn gifts that you can see below!
Your Wyngro can send another Wyngro (owned by a different artist) an anonymous Heartkindle gift! (And a secret message! All you have to do is fill out this form:
Name of Wyngro (sending):
Name of Wyngro (Receiving):
Owner of receiving Wyngro:
Personal Message:
Once the form is completed, note it to the group!
**If your gift is for a Wyngro owned by STAFF: Send to any other staff member personally and they will deliver it for you! (We promise not to blab!)
Once we receive your gift instructions, we will deliver the gift and message ONLY to that artist. Your Wyngro’s name will not be revealed! (Ohhhh, so secretive!)
It’s up to you whether your Wyngro wants to reveal themselves later on. You can even try to be subtle with drawings!
And if your Wyngro does receive a gift, try to draw their reaction to it so your receiver can see! 8D
Anyone who sends out a gift during the month of February will receive this exclusive sticker!
Don’t see any gifts that stick out to you?
We can draw you a CUSTOM GIFT that will be uploaded secretly to the Wyngrew account and can be used by anyone. Please note the group with your idea and any references you want. We require a $5/500 points fee for custom gifts.
We may be uploading new gifts as well throughout the months so check back to this journal often!
We hope you all have a lovely month as well, and enjoy the event!
As always, thank you for supporting Wyngro and feel free to ask any questions in the comments below!
**This event runs during the month of February in order to obtain the sticker!