Copywrong fascismWulfius-Khan on DeviantArt

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Wulfius-Khan's avatar

Copywrong fascism



After a recent unpleasant experience with copyright on DA I was inspired to create this piece. I recently became aware of Professor Lessigs work "Free Culture". His observation form the text of the work.

Echoes of Goodwins law of Usenet here.

This work is FREE of Copyright :)
However, let me know if you butcher it or rip off the concept.
If by some fluke you make any money out of it, I want my fair share :D

Stock photo from tebi
Words from Prof. Lessigs, you can download his book "Free Culture" here; [link]
Everything else is my work.
Ah yes, the burning of books was done by a short, sociopathic guy from Germany. The pic is from Holocaust archives. PD.

After a flood of hits from Copyright logs.
I am not calling people who enforce (C) excessively NAZIs.
But there are a few symbols as powerful as the swastika in our culture that impart the message of evil so readily.

If I were to create an artwork that said; "People who enforce (C) excessively are greedy slugs with the morals of snakes and concern for the community that of a chainsaw serial killer and are generally not nice people that need to go to church more often" a work like that would not be as resounding as this one.
Hyperbolea is used in every marketing campaign.

This is my most successful work so far.
Although notorious would probably be more accurate.
If you visit, please comment.

There is a disproportional quietness about it.
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1280x1024px 182.27 KB
© 2004 - 2025 Wulfius-Khan
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nicholasweed's avatar
Seig Heil$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I love your art man.