Please refer to my commission journals for information on how to order.
NSFW content is strictly 18+ only.
Keep comments and messages professional, polite, and clean!
A complete list of rules can be found in my Commissions Journal
Writing Portfolio | Writing Advice Articles
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My main account: @writeddreams2reality
Profile icon by: @macaarons
From creating stories to suggesting in-depth edits, I have many services for writers and readers alike.
My services are customizable products built to bring your idea to life. From writing stories for my clients, providing advice and edits, to guiding authors through the querying process… I am here to help you whether you are working on a project for fun or are trying to get your book out in the world!
Check out my WEBSITE for more information!
Writing & Editing Commissions Journal (prices, FAQs, how to order, and more!)
Art Commissions (regular & library YCH options!)
Instagram: @ writingdaydreams2reality
Instagram Art: @ evangeline40003
Twitter: @ writingDD2R
Facebook: Writing Daydreams to Reality
Kofi: Writingdaydreams2reality
Patreon: Writingdaydreamstoreality
Wattpad: Evangeline40003
Tik Tok: Writingdaydreams2reality
YouTube: writingdaydreams2reality
Etsy Shop: Writing Daydreams
Are you looking for a good story to read or would you like to see an example of my work? Check out these stories!
Commissioned by @Zeroth17
CW: Drug usage, violence, language, sexual situations/ implications (nothing explicit)
Nothing seems to go right in a life where you hate yourself, your family, your school, and your city. Michael “Mike” Carradine meets up with his drug dealer for his usual fix when she introduces him to a new drug on the street called “Blitz.” As Mike and his friends start to use the new, obsessively addictive substance, their school begins to get wilder. The streets become more violent and strange stories begin to circulate on the news. Are people just experiencing bad trips, or is something utterly horrifying happening to their neighborhood?
Skag Demons (Story 1): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Skag Demons Purgatory (Story 2): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
Skag Demons Limbo (Story 3): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, ...
Check out my gallery for more! My gallery is split into folders for different genres:
Fetish, Kink, NSFW Commissions
Happy birthday
Hi BBently, thanks for the compliment! I only post finished commissions on this account so I am not open to any requests or ideas as these are all created specifically for my clients.
Please do not advertise on my page.