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WWW #77 Guest Feature: Homer Hickam by writeddreams2reality, literature
WWW #77 Guest Feature: Homer Hickam
Wednesday Writing Weekly #77
Guest Feature: Homer Hickam
The best way to get writing advice is to learn from other writers and authors. Back in 2015, when I was graduating high school, I interviewed several authors about their work and experiences as writers. An author at the top of my list was Homer Hickam, author of October Sky (originally titled Rocket Boys). I first met Hickam on a middle school trip to his hometown, Coalwood, West Virginia. I remember I was literally shaking in my boots with excitement as he signed my book, "Aim high!" It’s a day I’ll never forget and looking back as a fiction writer now, I’m so grateful for that experience and Hickam’s help when I was seeking advice in high school.
Every writer has a different experience and a way to go about their work. By learning from others, we can further expand our own writing toolbox when reading about different ways to navigate the world of writing, editing, and publishing.
In this weekly, you will find Hickam’s bio
WWW #76 Read to Write #1 by writeddreams2reality, literature
WWW #76 Read to Write #1
Wednesday Writing Weeklies #76
Read to Write #1
They key to being a good writer is to be a good reader.
In any craft, you must sample what you produce. A chef must eat, a film director watches movies, and actors go to the theatre. How can you create a story if you are not familiar with the material before you? What inspires your work?
In today’s weekly, I am doing something a little different. I was reading I’m So (Not) Over You by Kosoko Jackson; I wanted a light-hearted, soft read. But I found a far more nuanced style full of punchy sentences and a tangle of well-crafted clauses. Jackson has a mastery over punctuation that makes this delightful story all the more exciting to read.
I will be sharing quotes from Jackson’s work to provide you with excellent examples of punctuation.
Using Source Material
When I read to improve my writing, my eyes get snagged on any colon, em-dash, or impactful ellipses. Punctuation is something to use sparingly. The more you use, the more water
WWW #75 Bookstores Libraries by writeddreams2reality, literature
WWW #75 Bookstores Libraries
Wednesday Writing Weeklies #75
Bookstores and Libraries
Consider this article another resource article! If you are fortunate enough to have one in your area, a local bookstore or library is a wealth of information for readers and writers alike! I’ve always gone to libraries to write, meet up with other writers, or to spend some quiet time out of the house. Bookstores are great for new reads and journal hunting but what if I told you, you could get a lot more out of places like these?
The Community
Libraries and bookstores are the beating heart of a writer’s community. These places host events, support writing groups, and provide a plethora of books for us to read and learn from. The biggest thing I’ve come to find is there are often spaces built for writers like us. Depending on what is being offered in your local community, you might have one of the following:
Author Events: Book signings, talks, interviews, or panels. This is a great way to learn about writing through the eyes of