Kuat Drive Yardswraithdt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wraithdt/art/Kuat-Drive-Yards-294104218wraithdt

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August 27, 2012
Kuat Drive Yards by *wraithdt
wraithdt's avatar

Kuat Drive Yards

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This is one of ten pieces I did for the new Star Wars Essential Guide to Warfare. I had a blast working on it and I'm excited that I am able to contribute to the Star Wars universe.

I will be posting them in the order of sequence as it appears in the book. Hope you guys enjoy them!

The fortress and shipyard world of Kuat, home of Kuat Drive Yards, the manufacturer of the dreaded Imperial Star Destroyer and its cousins. I believe this is the first ever close-up depiction of what the famous shipyard looks like. It was kinda fun to figure out where the main business of Star Destroyer construction would take place. I also made sure that its protected by a ring of formidable Golan Defense Platforms to thwart any would be invaders.

Copyright of Lucasfilm Ltd.
Published by Del Rey, an imprint of Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc.

You can get the book here >> [link]
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1200x772px 383.58 KB
© 2012 - 2025 wraithdt
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JESzasz's avatar

  This is one of my favorite of your pieces (not that is an easy decision), and I love the inclusion of a few EU designs, especially the Star Galleon in the foreground.

 I do think that there should be a series of space elevators (similar to in Gundam 00), but I think that we can chalk that up the original creators of Kuat not thinking a little more creatively or being well-read enough.

 Of course, considering that it is a fucking artificial ring, that's all relative I suppose. At least Star Wars has creative rings...