7 min read

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woxys's avatar
Hello :D

As I promised you ZOO Brno virtual tour, I bringing you the second part!  
And today we are visiting home of Satu, wonderful Sumatran tiger

Previous part of ZOO Brno virtual tour: introduction (look at: woxys.deviantart.com/journal/2…)


Satu (born in Dublin) is female Sumatran tiger with amazing face marking and very expressive eyes. She used to share her home with male called Dick, but he broke his leg (probably while trying to mate with Satu) and finally died after surgery. His brother Kampar came to ZOO then, but last year he died of cancer :(
Zoo still keeps his sperm and it wants to try artificial insemination to make Satu pregnant.
Let’s hope ZOO will be succesful and Satu will be amazing mother :nod:


But let’s speak about the exhibit Satu inhabits.
All the complex is called ,,the Tiger’s rocks“ and it was built in 2000. It is home for two species – for Sumatran tigers and for Sri Lanca leopards.

The Tiger’s rock from space
(red colour shows exhibit of tigers)

We enter the corridor - visitors watch Sumatran tigers through glass walls :D
,,Roofed corridor“ stylized as some exotic village protects us from snow, winter and rain, so we can watch tigers while sitting on benches.

Corridor and bench

There are many nicely drawn info boards on the wooden walls – they are not only about Sumatran tigers, but also about big cats in general and about some differences between northern and southern species :nod:

Info boards on the walls

path for visitors combinates wood, fake rocks and glass walls.

for better view, let’s climb a bit! :D

Oh, nice! Satu is welcoming us... or not?
She.... seems a bit hungry :fear:

Ok, no more ,,joke attempts“ :D now I will show you home of Satu :D please, do not forget that those photos were taken in winter, when the sky was cloudy and the land was covered with snow! That’s why those photos look a bit sad. During all the year, this exhibit is very wonderful, full of grass, green trees, clear water and so :)

We now see almost all the exhibit!

View from other viewing window. We can see empty pool and frozen water in stream-basin.

Empty or not, Satu is still enjoing her pool! :D

We can see there are many rocks in the exhibit. And in summer it is hard to see Satu throught green leaves on trees, so she has very nice privacy :nod:

I am sure we all see that building behind the exhibit. Restaurant is located there so we can have a lunch watching hungry Satu, who is observing us through glass :D there is also seat of ZOO directory.

Green at last! :D bamboo has this colour even in winter :)
and we can see something amazing. That glass wall in the background divides exhibits of tigers and leopards, so both specieas can watch each other! And they do! :D :D

Last look to big outside exhibit, this time with Satu :D

But of course, tigers need also some warm and dry space where they sleep and where they spend a lot of time :)
So second part of our excursion brings us to the indoor exhibit, which is, of course, connected with the outside one.


Corridor between animals and bamboo

Inside home of Satu is quite big – it is made of concrete, but I think it does not matter, because outside exhibit is open and when tigers want nature, they can go outside :nod:
This enclosure is in reality bigger than it looks in pictures.

left side


right side

How lovely! Satu came to say ,,bye!“ to us! Or maybe she still wants to eat us XD I do not know.
Bye, Satu! :wave:

ZOO Map.
Red colour shows where we went today! :D

Next time we will visit Arnold and Ruwani, pair of Sri Lanca leopards!

Are you tasty, darling? by woxys Proud and spotted by woxys

Visitor Map

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JaneFox's avatar
I thought Ruwani had died? :(