7 min read

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woxys's avatar
Hello :D

Today I bring you new part of ZOO BRNO VIRTUAL TOUR :glomp:

Previous parts of ZOO Brno virtual tour:
1) Introduction (look at: woxys.deviantart.com/journal/2…)
2) Sumatran tiger (look at: woxys.deviantart.com/journal/2…)
3) Sri Lanca leopards (look at: woxys.deviantart.com/journal/2…)


To provide you real picture of ZOO Brno, I have to show you everything, which includes also old and odd exhibits, which badly need reconstruction.
We will start our today's tour next to pavilion of big cats (we visited it before) and we will walk a lot today :D

Start is very optimistic – we can see absolutely new exhibit for maras. It was finished only few months ago and it is so large, that I needed to put three photos together to show you amazing enclosure for those small, but cute animals :D

Home for maras


Now we watch the road we will walk ;) we can see there is a station of train! :D and there is also one of the cages...

This type of cages is simply a PLAGUE of Czech ZOOs :( every ZOO has this relict of old times :( it is usually home for owls, birds, parrots and birds of prey :no: so sad :(

Cage for small species of parrots

Cage for Eurasian eagle-owl

During renovation, old exhibits for small predators were ruined. One of cat species moved to this cage, which previously housed skunk (I think).

Near former building of ZOO directory (new one is located near the Tiger's rocks), there is a place where you can spot peacocks very often. They move absolutely freely throught all the ZOO, but they mostly keep themselves near this building :D

There are more of them! :D

Other horror cage. This time for falcon :(

Similar cages, this time for owls. The good thing is, that those birds are mostly handicaped, which means they would not survive in the nature... So at least their lives were saved.

Opposite to these cages, there is very old facility, which houses Eurasian lynx. I remember, that when I was a little girl, this was home for two big cats – one was black and the other was spotted, so I think jaguars could be kept there many years ago :nod: I also think (but I am not sure), that once it used to be home for a cougar.

We can see it is really small and odd...

We climbed a little hill and now we are next.... to the WOOOORST part of ZOO Brno :( we now face the cages for apes – and because ZOO Brno keeps big species of apes, their homes are really terrible. Metal bars, concrete floor... :(

But before closer look, let's focuse on something another! When I was taking shots of those poor cages, I heard some strange sound. I turned myself and I spotted two roe-deers, walking freely next to me :D :D I have already told you, that area of ZOO Brno is very natural, it is simply a forest.

This is how the area behind the cages of apes seems – I took this shots staying near the pavilion. It is absolutely natural place!

No wonder, that many wild animals live in the ZOO. And those roe-deers are very common! :aww: they are absolutely wild and free :aww:

She spotted me...

And now she starts running!

Wild roe-deer is near cages of apes and it is heading to the forest, which is behind those enclosures :D

Terrible home for chimpanzees. Those huge apes spend their lives in this awful enclosure, which was built in 1964 :(  fortunately, City council of Brno recently agreed to give some 1 milion Euro (1,25 milion dollars) to ZOO. Those money will be used to building absolutely new and modern enclosure for chimpanzees :nod:  


Inside enclosure for chimpanzees

Look into the interier of pavilion of apes

Cage for binturong :no:

We have finished our tour throught the worst part of ZOO Brno... and we are standing next to the new exhibit of maras again :nod:

RED colour shows where we went today! :D
BLUE colour shows where we will go next time ;)

Next time we will visit lamas, meercats, ibex, elks and takins :nod:

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MiniMaloMyotismon10's avatar
i feel so bad for these poor animals. this zoo either needs to renavate to give the animals comphertable homes or have it shut down permantly and the animals moved to new better zoos! here in FL we have a zoo too and like yours there are peacocks everywhere and even chickens!