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woxys's avatar

He is crazy, right?



A cute fennec fox probably did not like his crazily running fellow ;)

Fennec fox (vulpes zerda, fenek berbersky) from ZOO Olomouc, Czech republic.


:spotlight-left: NEW WOLF CALENDAR FOR 2012 - 2013 WAS JUST RELEASED!!! You can get it FOR FREE!!! :spotlight-right:


The calendar is for free, but every donation is very appreciated, as my premium membership will end soon :noes: :XD: enjoy the calendar :la:

:bulletblue: And I offer you ANIMAL PHOTO CALENDAR 2012 FOR FREE! Just :+fav: it, please :aww:


:bulletblue: I sell a colourful mug edition with wolf and fox and big cats photos! :aww:


Thank you for your comments and faves :hug:


Name: Fennec fox (Vulpes zerda or fennecus zerda)
Location: Sahara Desert - North Africa and Sinai
Size: 40 cm long body + 25 cm long tail weight: 1,5 kg
Diet: rodents, insects, birds, eggs, desert vegetation (fruit, roots, berries)
Conservation status: Least Concern
Interesting facts: female fox gives birth to 2-5 kits and both parents then take care of the babies: mother does not allow the male to come closer to cubs, but the male still brings her some food | fennec foxes use their huge ears for good hearing and also for thermoregulation! | fennec foxes have fur on their paws, so they can run on hot sand | fennec foxes have black tips on their tails | fennec foxes are mostly active during night | fennec fox is said to be the only species of fox, which can be kept as real domestical pet | fennec foxes are surprisingly swift, as they can run fast and jump very hight | fennec foxes are the smallest species of all foxes | chihuahuas (dogs) are NOT related to fennec foxes, athough some people think so!
ZOO: in the Czech republic, fennec fox is kept in ZOO Prague, ZOO Olomouc and ZOO Dvur Kralove nad Labem.


More similar pictures:

To see more, look at my FOXES GALLERY :aww:

This photo belongs to me and I can very easily prove, that it was me, who took this shot. So please, respect my copyright :nod: if you want to use my work, ask me first to gain my permission, please
Image size
854x550px 295.06 KB
Canon EOS 500D
Shutter Speed
1/50 second
Focal Length
116 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
May 30, 2012, 9:48:15 AM
© 2012 - 2024 woxys
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Chamodile's avatar
He reminds me of a chihuahua for some reason haha