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Fennec fox: evil eyes



Did you wake me up? Pay now...

Oh yeah.
Never mess with fennec foxes.
They can be pretty bad guys. Especially if you wake them up from their healthy beauty sleep.

Fennec fox (vulpes zerda, fenek berbersky) from ZOO Olomouc, Czech republic :D


Name: Fennec fox (Vulpes zerda or fennecus zerda)
Location: Sahara Desert - North Africa and Sinai
Size: 40 cm long body + 25 cm long tail weight: 1,5 kg
Diet: rodents, insects, birds, eggs, desert vegetation (fruit, roots, berries)
Conservation status: Least Concern
Interesting facts: female fox gives birth to 2-5 kits and both parents then take care of the babies: mother does not allow the male to come closer to cubs, but the male still brings her some food | fennec foxes use their huge ears for good hearing and also for thermoregulation! | fennec foxes have fur on their paws, so they can run on hot sand | fennec foxes have black tips on their tails | fennec foxes are mostly active during night | fennec fox is said to be the only species of fox, which can be kept as real domestical pet | fennec foxes are surprisingly swift, as they can run fast and jump very hight | fennec foxes are the smallest species of all foxes
ZOO: in the Czech republic, fennec fox is kept in ZOO Prague, ZOO Olomouc and ZOO Dvur Kralove nad Labem.


More similar pictures:

To see more, look at my FOXES GALLERY :aww:

This photo belongs to me and I can very easily prove, that it was me, who took this shot. So please, respect my copyright :nod: if you want to use my work, ask me first to gain my permission, please! Thank you :lol:
Image size
704x529px 262.84 KB
Canon PowerShot S5 IS
Shutter Speed
1/79 second
Focal Length
72 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Dec 29, 2008, 2:13:32 PM
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