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global fursuiters!
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anonymous's avatar
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Does anyone have any premade orange and black fursuit bodysuit that they want to sell? Like this:…

Thanks in advance
I actually saw one not too long ago on furbuy, it might still be up and was black/orange and white.
hola tengo una pregunta saben donde queda anthocon como se le diga es qe soy nueva en la comunidad soy de argentina por favor necesito ayuda para ir a anthocon y nesesito hacer un fursuit de cangurode cuerpo completo algien que pueda venderme uno
Thanks, unfortunately, I recently check furbuy and it wasn't there. :( But again, thanks anyway
i have a question do you know any videos which give advice on making masks
Hi there, 

There are tutorials and videos on mask that can be found on many cosplay websites, the furry live journal, or my personal favourite: Instructables and the Stan Winston School of Character Arts for more advanced.

If in doubt, you will find youtube a great source and many makers are happy to share their knowledge providing you're respectful.