A loong looong time ago, I found my interest to be bodypainting. I tried a lot myself and surfed and looked for it online. Slowly more and more transformation art workes mixed under my search resultes and my interest changed. Very fast, it then changed to TG art and I began to collect links. I did this on a site called tgcomicscaptionsandco.blogspot.com. As this site grew, and grew...and grew, more and more people visited the site using it. I decided to rename it to worldoftg.com, so people don't need to type so much anymore . I posted the link to some forums and soon I had over two-thousend visitors a day ( a lot for a link site in my opinion). I developed the site on and created sub-sites, making it the largest collection of TG containing stuff online. Nowerdays the site and it subsites have more than 6000 visitors a day, wich makes my really proud and happy. In addition to that I now began posing the art, which I had been doing nearby on other sites (I will resubmit it here some time). I hope you like it
I need to report may bugs:
If you want to make this design work, please fix them.
Starting with the deviations watch-list:
Bug: The number of total missed deviations disappeared.
Bug: The total number of deviation stacks disappeared.
Bug: The number of deviations on a stack is only see able when hovering about it.
Bug: It seems I only see squared previews of images, which makes it hard to sort them out or open them, especially with comic pages.
Bug: The stacks are displayed so big (full hd monitor from benq), that only 5 are displayed in a row.
Bug: Everything feels like it's slammed on my screen.
The ultimate bug fix would be a return to the old design.