Swing Cat - Jazz Danceworkshop on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/workshop/art/Swing-Cat-Jazz-Dance-62091740workshop

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Swing Cat - Jazz Dance



So I managed to draw a character for RL friend that I've known for several years now but mostly keep contact now a days via instant messaging. She's been nagging at me lately to draw her as a cat, which I did at last.

Her character is a regular house cat and she mentioned that she used to doodle black cats but she'd rather be colored in another way. I found a rather interesting color variation on the net of a cat that I thought would fit her excellently. It was a black cat that still had interesting pattern of tortie.

The pose is pretty much a copy on a picture I found on the internetz while looking for jazz dancing. Reference used: [link]

Dancing sure is fun. And the actual amiga loved the color sketches that I made in the end.
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sunnie's avatar
I love this, everything about it. You've got the pose just perfectly (one of my pet hates about dance-art is people getting the actual placing wrong, but you've got it so completely right).
And the cat's just beautiful :) definite thumbs up!