My camera was a hand-me-down from my dad. He gave me an Olympus e-500 DSLR when he was done with it (meaning he bought himself a new camera that he really didn't need). I've had the same camera for well over 10 years and it just won't die. It needs new batteries but that's it. But it's heavy, real heavy and I was using it less and less. Mainly because I hated lugging it about.
So I bought myself a new camera. I'm the proud owner of a brand-spanking new Olympus OM-D EM-5 camera with the 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 II R lens + 40-150mm f/4.0-5.6 R lens kit. Yes, it's fully digital. Yes, it's not a SLR. But it more than makes up for it by being light and still having the M/S/A settings.
Anyhoo... I'm into photographing the urban environment and love taking shots of buildings. Having said all that, I tend to take photos of whatever I find interesting at the time.
Also, cycling. Love the sport and I love my bike so it's natural I'm going to take photos when I can. Not sure how good I am at sports photography but it's fun to be at the occasional races I make it to and see the pros and amateur riders mixing.
The other thing I love taking photos of are my Tim Sale and Matt Wagner comic book action figures.
I collect books, dvds and comic books. I'm rather proud of my small collection of comic book art.
I sporadically update my blog.