Fertile SoilWordOfChen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wordofchen/art/Fertile-Soil-631404678WordOfChen

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Fertile Soil



Hi guys,

Here's more visual poetry from yesterday

This one was based on the prompt - 'Fertile Soil'

Let's face it, I'mma be romantic on this one xD

- Chennie :iconwordofchen:

P.S. If you're a writer, hit my journal to find out about my newest group that can help promote you, for free

P.P.S. If you want to support me directly, you don't have to donate lol, just do some of the following:

- Watch the latest episode of my show on youtube (share it if you liked it, it's funny I swear): youtu.be/K8qH7jWrHOo

- Visit my youtube channel and watch some other vids (if you want to I mean  ) - www.youtube.com/channel/UCbxaD…

- Fave this poem and comment your love (I will love you back I sware!)

- Have a great day!
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DeeryDeerth's avatar
Nice way of explaining natural selection and baby-making. :XD: