Watchers-Features game and the team

10 min read

Deviation Actions

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:new:   NEW ! :new:  
(updated: Nov 6, 2007)

robinism is now in charge of this part of the project.
Welcome her ! :hug:

Some of you wanted this place to be more interactive. So you can send some hidden treasures as well :D
Here's how !

:boing: :boing: :boing: WATCHERS' FEATURES :boing: :boing: :boing:

Watchers can now send in up to 3 deviations found from the word of the week (WoW). You can even send us one of yours, if you send at least one of another deviant's work :)

Rules / How to

:bulletgreen: Use the dA browsing page and type the word of the week to find some great visual art from any category & subcategory. But please, take a look on the journal to be sure it is not already featured, before sending. Those will not be accepted/featured twice.

:bulletblue:  It must be possible for us to find it in the gallery of the deviant typing the wow (word of the week)... so not only depicting a theme.

:bulletgreen:  Simply send us your selections by note, titled "wow" (the word of the actual week) + WF
from saturday to friday , after the main feature on the journal is completed (you know this by watching the journal in your message center (usually sent on fridays).
--> title example: joy WF

:bulletblue:  10 watchers will be chosen among all the participants by Tipa  Your icon will be added with your selections.

:bulletgreen:  The 10 watchers' features will be added on the Shoutboard on weekends, for a week

:bulletblue:  Hope you'll enjoy participating in promoting art in :devart: and sharing one of your own work.
Have fun finding great art & sharing it with all the community ! :boogie:

:target: spread the word around ! deviants simply have to watch the project and can start participating :dance:


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:target:  Hi ! This is Aimelle , founder of this community project. Word-worth-1000-pics is now a team composed of 17 deviants. :D Thank you to all who have faved the News article to help me find those so generous deviants :blowkiss:
We will all be browsing through dA, searching for great art from the word of the week and have some specific tasks (we still need time for adjustments... so we will focus on the features for now)

We are all browsing through :devart: and selecting deviations

:bulletblue:  N-One

:bulletgreen:  Iardacil

:bulletblue:  KelliRoos

:bulletgreen: FractalEyes  

:bulletblue: Ally23  

:bulletgreen:  la-fleur    

:bulletgreen:  Blue-Whisper

:bulletblue:  bmcpereira

:bulletgreen:  RandomGoth

:bulletblue:  depresedescapist

:bulletgreen:  TazaArte

:bulletblue:  concettasdesigns

:bulletgreen:  MalekaLaneke

:bulletblue:  Tipa

:bulletgreen: asclaire

:bulletred:  Aimelle


special tasks

:new: robinism --> in charge of the Shoutboard (the Watchers' Features)

Aimelle --> founder/admin
                         main journal (features) & other journals/info
                         selection from pre-selection (sends from the team)
                         and about everything else until I get some other deviants to make them (News, comments, & promotion/affiliation)

Welcome all and thank you for your help ! :blowkiss:


:bulletblue: :bulletgreen: 2 journals/week :bulletgreen: :bulletblue:

:target: Watchers will now receive 2 journals/week. First one when editing the journal with the new word of the week... and 2nd at the end of the week, when all the features will be found. That is because a lot of deviants didn't know the features were done all week long or were forgotting to take a look at the end of the week, so missing a lot of great features. Thank you for your comprehension.


:spotlight-left: Subscription givers ? :spotlight-right:

Word-worth-1000-pics is always open to subsciption's gifts. Thank you to make this community project possible.
Last donator was  fattitude2001  thank you again ! :blowkiss:
All previous months were assumed by Aimelle


Latest donators  Thank you again to each of you :blowkiss:

asclaire FractalEyes miss69 moonbeam13 SalHunter

How to support/promote this community project

:bulletgreen: add the icon / stamp in your journal
:bulletblue: add a link to the main page in your signature
:bulletgreen: spread the word around !
:bulletblue: watch the community project
:bulletgreen: participate in the Watchers' features
:bulletblue: being a staff member/help running the project
:bulletgreen: donate a subscription
:bulletblue:  Faving the News articles :+favlove:

:gallery: :gallery: :gallery:

:rose: Hope you'll enjoy the features ! :)
Let's have a good community spirit... let's have an open mind to different kind of art... let's discover new artists ! :)

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steppeland's avatar
Sounds like a great idea to me! I'll love to join in! :heart: