TOTOROWoofIAmADog on DeviantArt

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WoofIAmADog's avatar




I am currently in love with the film My Neighbor Totoro written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. I absoulutely love his work, especially with Spirited Away.

The movie is about 2 young girls and their father that move into a new home surrounded by farmland. The house is old and is said to be filled with spirits. The two girls have adventures with many of the spirits, including 3 Totoros and a giant Cat-Bus.

I loved the movie so much I did this. I know I'm a bit off in certain things, but I love my piece.

My Neighbor Totoro (c) Hayao Miyazaki
Art (c) Me
Image size
715x600px 312.75 KB
HP oj5600
Date Taken
Apr 14, 2009, 8:39:28 PM
© 2009 - 2025 WoofIAmADog
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teamrocket56's avatar
i love this picture!it's really cute the way you drew the white....Totoro i suppose.

p.s.:95% Percent of teens would have a breakdown if miley cyrus was standing on the edge of a tower ready to jump, copy and paste if your a part of the 5% yelling "Jump Bitch! "<3