wonderwhy-ER on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/wonderwhy-er/art/Music-Atom-195732488wonderwhy-ER

Deviation Actions

wonderwhy-ER's avatar

Music Atom



Here is one more visualizer from me. It is made for #Actionscript-as-Art audio visualizers contest.

Initially I wanted to make something like brush that changes according to music but failed to make anything that looked good enough.

Instead collected this one from various prototypes (I think I made something like 20). Probably not good for too quite or too noisy music.

Also had 0 time to work on interface so it is simplistic and probably confusing :(

I will be making improvements later on (interface and it fails not saying anything for lower quality 48khz mp3s).

Wonderfl version with code
Image size
600x600px 108.39 KB
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redballbomb's avatar
How do you do that?!? I wanna try to do this!