I'm an artist at heart and love many forms of it, from creative writing, drawing,pixels, cooking and more.
I'm pretty big on my spirituality, and pretty fond of Irish astrology, so if you are too' hit me up!
I don't want, and not interested in my art being used in AI, or NFTs in any form' so don't ask me.
And as always thank you for stopping by
A quote I came up with: I live in the present, look forward to the future, and learn from my past, be it joyous or painful.
I need points to feed my ever growing llama farm, keep my page magical, and a little something something to keep me inspired.
If you choose to donate thank you in advance. Remember' stay magical!
Thank you so much for the llama. Your llama was the 400th I've received. I now only have 100 to go to reach my goal.
you're welcome, it's great seeing a fellow llama farmer. Hope you reach you goal soon. I too have a goal 7500. Wizard llama here I come!
Thank you for faving!
Thanks a lot for the fave at my art! (The Little Prince)