Welcome to THE WOLVES OF ODIN fan art gallery!

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The Wolves of Odin is a graphic novella about Norse mythology, heroes, magic, epic adventure, and Vikings vs. Werewolves!  It's written and drawn by me (Grant Gould) and published by Super Real Graphics, hitting stores in November 2008.  Be sure to tell your comic shop to order it from the September issue of Previews, and keep an eye on the official blog for continuing updates and info.

A lot of artists have expressed interest in doing fan art, and I unfortunately only had a limited amount of space in the actual book to show guest pin-ups...  So, to celebrate all this great artwork, I decided to start up an official "Wolves of Odin" fan art gallery!  This way everyone and anyone is welcome to contribute, and the WoO goodness can continue on and not be limited by page count.

If YOU would like to contribute a piece of fan art to this gallery, simply send me a JPEG attachment of your artwork at grantgoboom@gmail.com and write "WOLVES FAN ART" in the subject line.  Be sure to include your full name and website, so that I can give you proper credit and linkage in the post.  And that's all there is to it -- Once I get your JPEG, I'll upload it to the gallery here as soon as I'm able to.  The "Featured Deviation" box will show my latest upload.

Please note that nudity is not allowed.  "Wolves of Odin" is PG-rated.  Blood & violence is okay, but nothing too extreme.  Also, for now I'm limiting it to one image per artist.

If you need character references, you can click here or poke around WolvesofOdin.com.  Have fun with it -- and thanks in advance to ALL the artists in this gallery!  It's really an honor to have so many talented people involved in something like this.

~ Grant

Official Website: WolvesofOdin.com

All characters © 2008 Grant Gould.  Do not repost or use any images from this gallery in any way without the permission of the individual artists.

© 2008 - 2025 Wolves-of-Odin-Fans
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