PMDU | Team Storm Flurry | June TasksWolven-bane on DeviantArt

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PMDU | Team Storm Flurry | June Tasks



To finish off getting the team caught up to recent events, here are some late June tasks. 

For standing in the middle of public and calling out to others to take a flier from Cedric about the statue, the team earns sadly nothing

For taking out the Greninja when it attempted to attack to real ambassador, the team earns a merit

For turning Sundance's mission in to Kara, the team gains a merit and a rather sulky Sundance.

There were cameo's in this picture!
Dante of Team Compass Rose by Tutyr 
Cloe of Team Vagabond who belongs to Xxcron

PMDU | Team Storm Flurry by Wolven-bane
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1000x3000px 168.3 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Wolven-bane
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