Born to be FreeWolfRoad on DeviantArt

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WolfRoad's avatar

Born to be Free



This is a gift for the person who helped me in many ways.

This is her character, wounded, but free, escaped from routine gray city. End of winter was not chosen by chance, this is usually the dirtiest time of year when a deceptive white disappears from the earth, revealing all her "real" person.
I probably will not be able to explain everything that I wanted to show here)

I know the mistakes that allowed for drawing, but it was too late to correct them.

Art(c) me

Image size
2206x1320px 1.31 MB
© 2011 - 2024 WolfRoad
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QueenOfAmazons's avatar
First off, I must say this art is incredible. 

I have a request, and I totally understand if the answer is no. But anyway, I was wondering if I could use your art as a Banner for a role play group I'm going to be leading on an online game. In the community, we make pages on Animal Jam Clans Wiki, and it's policy on permission from artists is strict, as it should be. If I may, could I use this piece as a banner? I would be truly honored. I can link your page also if you'd like? All credits 100% will be given. Thank you so much for your time!