ID for WolfieDMXWolfieInu on DeviantArt

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WolfieInu's avatar

ID for WolfieDMX



Well, here's the ID I've been promising :iconwolfie-dmx: for ages! Finally done!

Hope you like it man :)

Not quite sure I did the right thing with the bio details there, tell me if there's a better way ^^;

This version is relatively small, 600 pixels wide, so it fits better on the user page, but there are larger versions if that would be preferred.

Quite obviously I'm giving him permission to upload it in his gallery as long as it's credited to me, since he needs to do that in order to use it as a ID ...

EDIT: ring on the wrong hand I know, but in the shadow it looked wrong. Artistic licence! =P
Image size
600x705px 412.92 KB
anonymous's avatar
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RTJDudek's avatar
Looks great. :)
And thanks for completing this pic ! Now, I will be able to draw Johan's fursona in the future.