YCH - RaceWolfieDrawie on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/wolfiedrawie/art/YCH-Race-746884356WolfieDrawie

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WolfieDrawie's avatar

YCH - Race



Wow, this auction was pretty stressful. I was really worried I'd have to discard the picture, but luckily Mynder and Sylveon17 saved the day! Thank you, guys!

Big thanks also belong to everyone who shared the post on Facebook and Tumblr. I was honestly really surprised! So many of you tried to boost the auction at its very end. Thank you again Heart

Do you think I should make another YCH auction soon? Or just give up... maybe try to promote my commissions more? Or my patreon page? 
Patreon (2017, round) Icon ultramini www.patreon.com/vlce
Image size
4066x2480px 19.1 MB
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K4nK4n's avatar

It's rare to see art of ponies running together. This is gorgeous & sweet.