wolfanita on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wolfanita/art/Silmarillion-Wrong-Turn-441380892wolfanita

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Silmarillion: Wrong Turn



From Tolkien's " Silmarillion":

Very short and easy:
Aredhel was a spirited elven lady who loved to go for a ride. One day she lost her way and came to the forest of Eol, the Gothic, I mean, Dark Elf.
Instead of showing her the way back home as a gentleman would have done, he made sure she got lost even more so he could keep and marry her.
They seem to have spent some rather happy years together, but sooner or later it ended all again in betrayal, wounded pride and bloodshed.

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© 2014 - 2024 wolfanita
The-Last-Sea-Serpent's avatar
Sadly, we all know someone like Eol.
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