Wolf-Prince-Leon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wolf-prince-leon/art/Yuki-the-Snow-Pup-704290610Wolf-Prince-Leon

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Yuki the Snow Pup



A gift to :iconmatojeje: from :iconreadyunknownfox: This one took a little extra to make work, but I think I nailed.

Yuki is a Husky, a regular snowboarder, often competing and always at least in top 5. Blitz has had a friendly rivalry with Yuki, and decided they could use the extra skil. So he invited Yuki to join up as a Snow Pup, and Yuki just couldn't say no.
Image size
525x397px 13.14 KB
© 2017 - 2024 Wolf-Prince-Leon
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That-Tiny-Rii's avatar
Thank you so much Leon! 💙
You're awesome for making this. ^^