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Paw Patrol The Family Grows, Episode 07



Tommy gets his special day, the team gets a new play space, and Zuma puts his paw down.

Blitz and Jerry :iconreadyunknownfox:
Chester :icondoctorchesterthe1st:
Reggie, Archie, Liz, and Maneet :iconregulus58:
Tundra :iconmusicalmutt2:
Lewis :iconkinipharian:
Dan and Tad :iconthunderus-the-wolf:
Rae :iconrae-chan13:
Tommy & Ryan :iconwolf-prince-leon:
Mindy :iconmidnightcollies:
Circuit :icondestinyzekrom:
Kay :iconnightrizer:
Sig :iconraysrays:
Haruka :iconkit-the-wolfy:
Inu :iconjordanthequilly:
Rush :iconblackbluedawg:
Coal :icongundamoswald:
Rowser :iconrowserlotstudios1993:
Issac and Mike :iconisaacthemerpupdrawer:

You can ask if your pup will be included, but don't request for your pup to be a main character. We have already set in stone the pups for this series, and we already had to cut a few from the final draft of the plots. All I can promise is one-off appearances.
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MerpupIsaac2003's avatar
This is really awesome! Thank you for including me and my little brother in the story!