Wolf-Prince-Leon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wolf-prince-leon/art/Leon-s-Day-500654136Wolf-Prince-Leon

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Leon's Day



Made with DeviantArt muro

Poor Leon, lately he's been Hypnotized (a lot), kidnapped (Twice), turned into a Reindeer against his will, Babyfied, and STILL needed to finish his finals for college.

Poor Wolf's been really scared and uneasy, really needing some TLC, R&R, and Maybe a nice CTC (Chicken, Turkey, and Cheese Sandwich, it's good).

So, as an apology for everything he's been put through lately, I've give him his own little day. He's assumed Wolf Kid form, age 8-ish, and has now been allow an entire day to himself to rest, relax, have fun, and forget his problems.

Knowing me, he'll end up getting more R&R after, but still-

this is Leon's Day.

I hereby challenge the following Artists to do chill days for the Following characters. (you're not required to do the challenge, also it can be in picture OR Story form, all up to you)

ReadyUnknownFox - Blitz
Kit-The-Wolfy - Nicky (Declined)
Rae-Chan13 - Rae <da:drawing id="500755366" format="thumb">
pokephantom99 - Nikara (Accepted)
KaaLover - Tupi
LevelInfinitum - Buster Bill
spyrofreak01 - Maxy
Image size
2000x2000px 168.58 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Wolf-Prince-Leon
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pokephantom99's avatar
Challenge accepted!!!