WojtekFus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wojtekfus/art/Freelancer-452520691WojtekFus

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WojtekFus's avatar




Evening sketch! Shooting for a different look!
Image size
1600x917px 1.97 MB
© 2014 - 2024 WojtekFus
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mollyareb's avatar

WOW! It looks great. I love your work and wish you success. In fact, you are an example to me. I want to be a successful freelancer, but I still don't have the courage. I started reading a lot and watching tutorials on YouTube about the process of becoming a freelancer. Can you tell me some tips? I read on https://www.playlouder.com/how-to-incorporate-yourself/ about the incorporation process, and I understood that it is crucial for a freelancer in order to have safe work, and if I understood correctly, the fees are lower. What do you say about that? Have you incorporated yourself?