(OLD) Uncanny X-Men Blink XNALARAWitchJeanne on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/witchjeanne/art/OLD-Uncanny-X-Men-Blink-XNALARA-1051248033WitchJeanne

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(OLD) Uncanny X-Men Blink XNALARA



XNALARA Model (.mesh only) 

NEW VERSION: www.deviantart.com/witchjeanne…

Decided to make this Blink's model in the Marvel Heroes style because it's my favorite Marvel game and since she don't have that much out there. she if my favorite X-Men and it's sad that she only appears in some medias of the franchise. gonna try to make some justice for her in here *BLINK*

contact me if there is something wrong with the model (i've checked a lot before releasing). have fun and pleeease, credit me if you are going to use for something <3 <3 
© 2024 - 2025 WitchJeanne
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Didn't really follow the character until Age of Apocalypse, now I wish there was more of her out there. thanks for the model.