
104 deviations

Fan fiction and Comics
968 deviations

Geralt of Rivia
1555 deviations
840 deviations

1214 deviations

1333 deviations

Iorveth and Roche
502 deviations

Creatures and Monsters
401 deviations

Geralt's family
65 deviations

Pairs and couples
940 deviations

Geralt's party
334 deviations
Witcher's Creed
We carry two swords, one of silver and one of steel
One for the creatures that roam the wilds, One for the humans in their cities of stone and steelBoth of which are for monsters, no matter the appearance or voice
No matter the distance, no matter the outcomeBe it Wyverns attacking or Kayran rising, We set out to Hunt
Pray that a Witcher comes, Hope that a Witcher arrives
Signs to summon Air or Flame, all who know us fear our namesFor we are Silver of hair, and Amber Yellow of eye
For we stay neutral to the politics of corrupt Kings, Ignoring the taunts and tricks of NoblesCommon Folk shun our ways or void our gaze, Outcasts of Society with blood on our hands
To all monsters, Man or otherwise
Our Swords are sharp enough for the both of youOur Medallions are tuned to your magic and scent
Kings or KayranFor we are Witchers and we hunt monsters, be they creatures or humans
Which are you
1203 deviations

Mage and Sorceress
433 deviations

Kings and Queens
365 deviations

347 deviations

40 deviations

578 deviations

407 deviations

349 deviations
I am making this journal and hoping this can be spread around and for this project is being supported! Links are at the end of the journal to read more about it!Now, for those that are curious about what is the point of this journal and what is this, do allow me to explain. I'm not too sure how many people here know the Witcher series, but just in case for those that never heard of it....The Witcher is a series that first started as a book series by Andrzej Sapkowski. Then a company name CD Projekt Red was able to get the licence right to be able to create a video game series inspired by his novels (funny thing is that the author doubted t...
Witcher Nation People
2 deviations