Frequently Asked Questions

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Common questions answered! Got any more? Ask 'em below or use the "questions and help" Discord channel!


What are Wishes?
They are items that a Wishful grows in its fur - much like a bush that grows berries. (They also need to be harvested, like berries.) These Wishes can have many uses, such as being sold, accessorizing outfits, or being eaten. Some of them are even magical!

Are there liquid Wishes?
Yes, but it must be in a closed container - such as a bottled potion or a carton of milk. Wishfuls with the Snowglobe Mutation may have liquid Wishes, but the wish on the Wish Bow must still be in a container.

Can two or more Wishfuls have the same Wish?
Yes. However, their designs will be different, and their Wishes might have different uses. (Using pins as an example: one Wishful could be sewing-themed, while another is about voodoo, and perhaps another could even be acupuncture.)

Can the Wishes be different sizes/colours of the same item?
Within reason, yes!

Are there size restrictions on the Wishes?
Somewhat. The Wishes do need to be able to fit on the Wishful's body - so a Wishful couldn't have full-size watermelons as its Wish. However, it can have mini watermelons, which could grow into full size once harvested.

Can Wishfuls be drawn without Wishes?
Yes, if they have been harvested recently. You can also draw their Wishes covered in black sludge if they are sick/haven't been harvested in too long, or taking a Wish Fizz bath if they have been sick recently. However, if you just don't like drawing Wishes, we would recommend that you adopt a Wishpup instead.

Are the birthmark bows required?
Yes; this shows the Wishful's Wishes even when they are freshly harvested, and is an identifying feature.

If the Wish is Tiny Living Creatures, does that mean they get eaten?
Tiny Living Creatures are capable of "self-harvesting" (i.e. escaping on their own), and therefore do not need to be eaten in order to keep the Wishful healthy.


How big are Wishfuls?
The average Wishful comes up to knee to mid-thigh height compared to an adult human. It is not common for there to be "toy" or "terrier" sized Wishfuls, as their Wishes would be so small as to be nearly useless; however, it is possible.

[OUTDATED] by Sugary-Stardust


What are Wishpups?
Wishpups are the young, "puppy" version of Wishfuls.

How are Wishpups different from Wishfuls?
Since they are puppies, they are significantly smaller, with tiny limbs, ears, and tail. They possess one oversized birthmark bow (it does not change size as they grow) and a star marking somewhere on their body, in the image of Mother Miuna. Because they are wee babus, their eyes are also closed.

How big are Wishpups?
Wishpups range from fitting in your cupped hands to roughly halfway up a human adult's calf. After they have eaten a Star Sundae, they begin to grow somewhat - but they do not reach their full size until after they have matured.

Do their big birthmark bows get in the way?
Yep. :) It makes them even clumsier, which is appealing and adorable. Sometimes they will chew on their bow, or trip over it, or resort to creative methods to get to their food.

What do Wishpups do?
They have an ability where when they bark, they throw glittering sparkles into the air. Whoever comes into contact with these sparkles will become cheerful and happy for roughly one hour - longer if they are young or elderly. This was originally a defense mechanism against predators.

Do Wishpups have rare features?
Traditionally speaking, no. Wishpups tend to have either "standard" or "exclusive" ears and tails and no fantastic features. If the Wishpup is the result of breeding, however, they can have all kinds of traits depending on the parents!

How can I get a Wishpup?
You can get them through adoptions, breeding, MYOs, or customs. New members can make one via the free Miuna's Welcome Wishpup Egg.

If I own a Wishpup, can I mature it into a Wishful?
Yes, you can! See the Nursery for more details.


How do I breed Wishfuls?
If you own two Wishfuls, or you and a friend each own one, you may breed a Wishpup. Please note that breeding will only produce one Wishpup - so if you each want a Wishpup, you must breed twice! Otherwise, you will share ownership - and it is your responsibility to be good parents. Breeding is done by using a Bundle of Joy.

What are the advantages of breeding Wishpups vs. adopting them?
Adopting a Wishpup is much cheaper, but they will not have any fancy traits. By breeding, you can get some really rare Wishpups!

Do I need a boy and a girl Wishful to breed?
Nope! Wishpup are formed from a bond of friendship and love, and there is no gestation or physical birth involved.

If I mature a Wishpup into a Wishful, can I breed it?
Yes. :)

Do I need to mature my Wishpups?
No. You can keep them as Wishpups for as long as you like.

Wish Coins

How do I earn Wish Coins?
You earn Wish Coins by participating in group activities and events.

What do I do with Wish Coins?
They function the same as points for the purposes of adopting, breeding, and maturing within this group - so even if you don't have points, if you save up your Wish Coins, you can still get a Wishful or breed a Wishpup! You can buy things in the "shopping center" Discord channel.

How do I know how many Wish Coins I have?
Visit the "wish bank" Discord channel and follow the instructions in the pinned comment!

I think my balance of Wish Coins is wrong!
@ or DM me on Discord to discuss.

Can I give my Wish Coins to someone else?
Yes, you can give your Wish Coins to another member. Please tell me who you would like to donate them to or if you would like me to raffle them off.

Can I sell my Wish Coins?


How do I get my MYO or redesign approved?
Drop them off at the Salon.

Does my Wishful need an "owner"?
No; it can go either way.

Can I make an anthro version of my Wishful?
Yes! They must retain all species traits, but go for it!

Can my Wishful have an alternate/AU form?
Yes; please let us know on the masterlist entry so we are aware that you are still using the original form and should not void the Wishful form. Art of any non-Wishful forms will not be accepted into the group.

Can I co-own a Wishful or Wishpup?
Yes, but everything that entails will be up to you and the other co-owner(s).

Can I resell or trade my Wishful or Wishpup?
Yes, but if any users are found to be buying and selling Wishfuls for the purpose of making profit, they will be banned from the species. Please wait 14 days after designing any free MYO before changing ownership. However, anytime ownership changes, you must inform The-Wish-List.

Can I lose custody of my Wishful or Wishpup?
If you are found to be routinely breaking the rules by redesigning your Wishful (giving them higher-rarity qualities or changing their Wishes), drawing them with illegal traits, etc. you will lose your rights to own a Wishful. You will receive three warnings before this happens. You get to keep the character, but their design will become void and unusable within the group.

Can my Wishful look a bit like a cat? I'm not good at drawing dogs.
As long as you're not purposely drawing them to be cat-like, that's totally fine!

Can I change my Wishful's design?
You can change gender and make minor colour and marking changes for free; any other changes must be purchased and approved.

Can my Wishful be friends with other species?
Of course! Wishfuls are happy and friendly by nature and get along with almost anyone, regardless of species.

© 2015 - 2025 Wishfuls-Species
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CHKawaiiSweets's avatar

Can i register my first wishpup without a new design?