WishExpedition23 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wishexpedition23/art/Walt-and-Lillian-Disney-Valentines-Day-590417796WishExpedition23

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Walt and Lillian Disney Valentines Day



Here's the other Valentine related picture I mentioned in my other piece of art. Walt is giving a rose to Lillian for Valentine's Day! Be my valentine?For those of you who don't understand what that bronze thing in the middle is, that was actually a birthday gift to Lilly from Walt. Everyone knows that one of Walt's fun hobbies was collecting and wearing different hats like fedoras, pork pies, etc., but they also know that Lilly is not fond of that hobby of Walt's. One time while on vacation, the Disneys attended a bullfighting entertainment in Mexico. :Matador: As per tradition, the audience would throw off their hats and shout OLÈ! Well, Lilly tried to throw Walt's hat into the ring, but Walt was too fast enough to snatch the hat back before Lilly let go. Then later, in 1941, Walt had the same hat bronzed and had the domed part shaped into a heart, filled it with violets, and presented to Lilly right there and how. It's so sweet! holding hands It was named one of the top known stories in the Disney family.

I hope you enjoy the picture on this holiday AND the history lesson! ^^

Pink Heart Icon HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Pink Heart Icon 
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3252x2496px 15.54 MB
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