WishExpedition23 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wishexpedition23/art/Aladdin-Fan-art-The-Hug-Train-583078604WishExpedition23

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Aladdin Fan art- The Hug Train



PULING INTO THE STATION!!! XD  A little excerpt from the "Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular" show I drew up since Disney decided to close down the show permanently after 13 years of running and replacing it with a Frozen show. BLECH! :projectilevomit: Ouch  And that's me in the back laughing my lungs out. Who wouldn't laugh at something like this? :laughing: 

Plus, it's a sort of tribute to Robin Williams for his death a while ago. :( I guess you can say the Genie really is free now. Remember Robin williams ( Star ) 

The guy who played as the Genie in the show REALLY had some good jokes like... "If your last name were 'pepper shaker,' then you'd be 'Sultan Pepper Shaker!" XD I recommend watching all the different showtimes that happened already on Youtube and for those who are planning going to California Adventure soon. Be there before Jan 10, 2016 ends because that's the LAST day they are playing it. Be sure to watch it before it's too late!

R.I.P. Robin Williams (July 21, 1951- Aug. 11, 2014). "We have never had a friend like you!"
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TDIfan161's avatar

Ayy Genie what a hug