wiredgear on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wiredgear/art/Psi-Soldier-186004314wiredgear

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wiredgear's avatar

Psi Soldier



Found this hidden deep inside my harddrive. I think I uploaded it a few years ago but don't know why I deleted it. I touched it up a bit just now.

Psi soldiers saluting their OIC. These guys can pull mind tricks and use magic against their adversaries. These guys don't carry any rifles or guns. Instead they carry a special gauntlet that can produce magic. They can also read minds and turn the tides of war. There are only a few of these psi soldiers in the world that they are in high demand.

BTW, I want to thank everyone who has fav'ed my artworks and have also added me to their watch list. I rlly appreciate it. You ladies and gentlemen won't be disappointed!
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600x821px 429.36 KB
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thatenglishguy's avatar
This is really cool